Allotment Compost

compost area on allotment
compost area on allotment


Using traditional composting techniques, the amount of compost needed for a whole allotment plot is likely to be much greater than a gardener can make. Composting at the allotment is, at best, useful as a means of tidying up a plot of unwanted crops and weeds. At worst, it can help spread diseases when used.

By comparison, hot compost bins are able to make compost in 4 -6 weeks. If a gardener regularly empties and fills their bin, and stores the ready-made compost somewhere until it is required, an allotment holder can achieve self-sufficiency in making enough compost for their needs. See this hot composting guide.

Traditional composting may not be relevant for an allotment, but the use of manure at an allotment most certainly is. Manure is a combination or organic material and animal excrement, most commonly horse, pig, or cow.

Like compost, manure should be left to decompose over a period of months before it is used. The decomposition process uses energy to break down the manure, so if it is applied too soon, the decomposition process may end up taking energy away from plants.

Ideally, an allotment organisation will arrange for a communal supply of manure for all to use. Failing that, it may be possible to arrange for a trailer load of well rotted manure to be delivered to a plot.

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Spreading Manure

The end of each growing season is an ideal time to dig over all used beds and apply a thick mulch of manure. There are a number of reasons for doing this:

  • It is not good to leave bare soil exposed over the winter as the wind and rain can wash vital nutrients away
  • Covering with a mulch also helps to suppress weed growth, especially in the spring, when they can take off during a very busy time for the keen allotment holder
  • Manure is in high demand in the spring from other allotment plot holders. Getting to a communal pile at the beginning of autumn can give a gardener a head start!


There is only one way of transporting manure from the pile to the plot, and that is by wheelbarrow.

This can be exhausting work, and it is best (easier on the body!) to spread this effort out over a number of weeks. Each 3m by 4m bed can absorb as much as 9 wheelbarrow loads of material.

Ideally, the manure in the picture above would be more decomposed. One advantage of adding manure in late summer is that it allows more decomposition time over the winter.


Adding manure to fruit bushes is particularly important as they are hungry plants.

mulch around tayberry plant

The photograph shows a tayberry bush with a thick mulch applied. The best time to do this in the spring. Spring is a crucial time when the bush will flower before producing its fruit.

When applying the manure, try to create a concave shape with the depression around the base of the plants, to help channel water to the plant's roots.

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