August Harvesting Guide

  • My favourite gardening month, as the work is nearly all harvesting (with very little weeding as the peak period of weed germination has passed)
  • The large majority of vegetables are in season, including heat loving French beans, runner beans, and sweetcorn
  • August is good month to harvest and dry crops for storage, including onions, shallots, garlic, potatoes, and winter squash
  • The fruit harvest will continue to switch away from soft fruit to tree fruit, with many types of delicious plums coming into season, together with early varieties of apples and pears
  • Heat loving continental fruit like melons, Inca berries, and tomatillos will be available
  • The start of the peak season for homegrown tomatoes (that continues until October)

Freshly Picked


None ready


None ready


None ready

From Storage


None suggested


None suggested


None suggested